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Property Finance

Looking to grow your business’ property portfolio? Perhaps you would like to release equity out of existing property assets? 

Whatever you need, we’re here to connect you to the perfect finance solution.

We have strong working relationships with a wide variety of lenders.

This means that, whatever your requirements are, we’re able to connect you with the right lender at the right time for the right price. 

Everything we do is tailored to your organisational needs. It’s our job to find the perfect finance option for you.

How does property finance work?

Bridging loans are regularly used when looking to either purchase a new property asset or refinance an existing property asset. 

Bridging loans, as the name suggests, bridges the gap between finance options. Rapid and flexible, this finance option is perfect if you’re looking for quick cash to secure a property opportunity, be that a refinance or a purchase.

Development loans are property-backed loan facilities that are used specifically for the development of a property scheme.

Revolving credit facilities are property-backed overdraft facilities, used as a war chest for developers that want to pull funds out of existing under-utilised assets for any purpose.

Book your No obligation, free open discussion meeting today!

Our process

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Have an initial discussion about your options with our specialists

spinning cog icon business loans.

Request requisite information from you and your business

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We’ll create a bespoke solution for you

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We connect you with the right lender

business loan process icon.

Secure funding for your business!

Our property finance options

Bridging loans

Bridging loans can be used for residential and commercial property purchases. 

They’re an extremely reliable finance option, providing you either a cash injection for existing property assets, or allowing you to seize time-limited property opportunities. This allows you to be agile and purchase properties as and when the opportunity arises. It is one of the best ways to maximise the value you get out of any property purchase. 

Being short-term loans, bridging loans often transition into mortgages/development finance following a period of up to 36 months.

Development Finance

Looking to develop property (new build/conversion and refurbishment), but need immediate access to fund those ventures? Development finance allows you to finance either single units or multiple units with many phases. 

As a short-term loan, usually between 6-24 months, it is designed specifically to assist with purchase and build costs associated with a development project. This is perfect for any business looking to invest in development.

Revolving credit facilities

Perfect for site acquisitions, revolving credit facilities are used predominantly for property auction purchases, or to help fund work-in-progress projects. 

By drawing down under-utilised property assets, you are able to have a war chest at your disposal in the shortest time possible (within 24 hours).

The benefits of property finance

Fund your property development

Access the funds you require to fulfil property development on existing property assets or new schemes.

Unlock equity from existing properties

Utilise existing equity in the form of a revolving credit facility for any purpose e.g. the purchase of new property assets.

Purchase new property assets

Broaden the range of properties available for purchase to your business through property finance.

business loan solutions

Property Finance

Our mission

Built on a long heritage of business finance, our traditional approach is centred around you, your business and your needs. 

No algorithms, no over-complicated process, no complex application forms, just our people, taking the time to get to know you and your business, before using our highly knowledgeable and creative underwriting techniques to connect you to the right funding at the right time.

Let’s talk

We’re here, speak to a friendly expert today

Alternatively, call us on:

01473 553 430

    How we can help

    Asset financeBusiness financeOther

    Our trustworthy lenders

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I finance property development?

    When looking to finance a property development, you’ll need development finance, and often a bridging loan in the interim. Many lenders offer loans depending on the purchase price of your property. This loan will cover the majority of the purchase of the property and any relevant building work. It is usually expected that the lender will recoup their funds when the property is sold.

    How does property development finance work?

    Most lenders will offer the initial loan based on the property purchase price. The lender will fund up to 100% of the cost of works, but this will be provided in arrears. You’ll repay this facility based off either refinancing into a longer-term mortgage loan, or via the sale of the property.

    How can I finance a renovation property?

    Funding a property renovation can be done in many ways. You may choose to remortgage your property, increase your existing mortgage, take out a loan against your property or apply for an unsecured loan.

    How do I finance a second property?

    To finance a second property purchase, you’d usually take out a second mortgage. Alternatives to this are:

    1. Applying for a business loan (often secured against your first property).
    2. Remortgaging your first property for a larger sum.
    3. Using saved capital.
    4. Taking out an unsecured loan.